Been App Review

The app been created by Martin Johannesson keeps track of the countries and U.S states you visit. The app is incredibly easy to navigate. Once downloaded, simply enter the countries you have visited. The app will show you the percentage of the world you have been to as well as the percentage of the continent you have visited. When it comes to America, you’ll also be able to select the individual states you have been to.

The app presents the data in two ways: as a list of countries and as a coloured world map where the countries you have been to will be highlighted in orange. And that’s it. It’s nothing more than a list of the countries you’ve been to.

Been App Review 2


  • The app doesn’t accurately measure the percentage of the world you’ve seen. You only have to step foot in a country and it will calculate that you’ve been to 100% of it.
  • The U.S is the only country you can select individual states in. As an Australian I think the app could benefit from adding the Australian states and territories.
  • It’s nothing more than a bragging tool. I don’t travel to brag about how many countries I’ve been to. I travel to experience the world and to learn what life is really about.

But if you’d like a list of countries you’ve been to and you don’t like the thought of using paper and a pen then it’s perfect!

I give the app two stars.
2 stars

What’s your favourite travel app? Let me know in the comments below!


Available on Android and Apple devices